Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year

res·o·lu·tion (plural res·o·lu·tions) noun
Resolution: a decision: a firm decision to do something

I think that as soon as you use the phrase “New Year's Resolution" you have subconsciously screwed up all your good intentions. You are setting yourself up for failure especially when you make comments that start with the words, "For my New Year's resolutions I am going to.....". It is a proven fact that most people are not capable of keeping their NYR. They are good for a few weeks and then POOF! Goodbye NYR! Technically I did not make a New Years Resolution for 2009. I figured if I did not say the NYR phrase out loud that I might have a better chance of doing what I need to do. I talked to myself and I feel that I need to start trying to take better care of myself. I will try very hard to get back to my Curves classes on a regular basis. I will try to eat fewer sweets. I will try to eat more healthy stuff and less bad stuff. Is French fries bad stuff? I will start taking my health issues (all controllable with medications) more seriously than I have in the past year or two.
Part of my problem is that I like eating candy and I like French fries. I am good at taking most of my meds but there are some that I don't want to take on a regular basis. Doctor say's I need to.
I never said any of this out loud to anyone at, near or on the stroke of midnight on December 31st so technically it is NOT a New Years Resolution.
But I like me and I miss my usual happy self so I have decided that these are some things that I need to try to do for myself. I hope to make 2009 a Happy New Year!


Gingham Skies said...

Cheers to that mom! :)

As for the french fries, if you bake them they're more like slices of baked potato than fries therefore you can eat them as often as you like. Well, maybe not every day but once a week won't kill you.

I'm with you on the healthier me this year but I used the dreaded words so I'm going to have to try to prove your theory wrong! ;)

Tolentreasures said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the comments. I too have decided that I am cutting down on the sugar, not a NYR, I am just trying it for one week and then if I make it through another and so on. So far so good! One step at a time!


AnnMarie Brown said...

I want to thank you for stopping by my blog and thank you more for commenting it is always nice to visit who is visiting me.

Now on to the French Fries and the whole NYR. I prefer to refer to my resolutions per say at GOALS for the new year and I am going to be posting mine. I try to stay away from goal not attainable because who wants to feel like they have failed.

Please come back and visit my blog anything. I love having visitors. I have enjoyed reading your blog also. So nice to meet up with a fellow Canadian online let alone one from Ontario! Have a great day!

Lois said...

Thank you ladies for your feed back...pun intended.
All of your suggestions are good ones.

tanzi said...

Wow--I am so with you on this one, Lois! I also have some changes I plan to make, but have been careful not to call them "resolutions" for the same reasons! Being happy is important, and if you want a sidekick to keep pestering/encouraging/checking in with you on your plans and goals, then I'm in!
And, by the way, french fries do have vitamin C.