Well, here it is....Thanksgiving....again.....I can't believe that a whole year has already flown by since last years turkey dinner. This is one of Hubby Johns favourite holidays because he LOVES turkey! I don't mind turkey but it tends to give me ....how can I say this delicately and lady-like?um...well, it gives me .....gas. So although I do like turkey it doesn't like me. But I eat it anyways and I excuse myself a lot. Last year I insisted on a smaller turkey so we wouldn't have fifteen tons of it left over and be eating it for three weeks. BIG MISTAKE! We ended up with just enough leftovers to let HJ have one or two sandwiches. He was NOT a happy camper. This year Hubby John insisted on a larger turkey so there would be plenty of meat left for his midnight raids on the refrigerator. I agreed. Thursday evening while doing our holiday grocey shopping we debated as to whether we should buy a fresh or frozen one and because of lack of fridge storage space we bought a nice sized frozen turkey. No problem! We took it home, packed it in an ice cooler and left it outside in one of the vehicles to thaw. It was cold enough to keep it from going bad but would defrost in time for Saturday morning. Or so I thought! Come Saturday morning stuffing time I got a rude awaking when I realized that half the turkey was still frozen. Great....just great.... I have eleven people coming that evening for dinner and the bird can't be stuffed. Well, it could have been stuffed but I couldn't get at the end of the bird that the neck, liver and all those goodies were stuffed into. I had no way of knowing it they were loose or in a bag and if there was a bag was it paper or plastic?
Grrrrr......I was not a happy camper. Down went the bird to the laundry tub which HJ filled with cold water in the hopes that the bird would finish thawing in an hour or so. No such luck! I couldn't wait any longer so Hubby John and I went to off to the store to pick up a fresh turkey that I could get into the oven right away. HJ dropped me and the bird off at the house and off he went to buy me a burger for my lunch. I got into the house and put the groceries away and then went to stuff the fresh....not frozen.....turkey. What a surprise for me when I realized that the so called fresh turkey had been and was still frozen in some parts. In fact it was frozen in the in the same place that the turkey in the laundry tub downstairs was still frozen in. Grrrrr.....To say I blew a gasket would be an understatement. I am sure there was a blue cloud hanging in the kitchen. I did the only thing I could do. I chipped at the frozen parts while running water over them until I had a big enough hole to get my hand in to check for the extra parts and the bag, if any. No bag had to be pulled out and I stuffed the turkey, cranked the oven up to 450 and put the bird in the oven. By that time, HJ was home with A&W teen burgers and root beer. That definitely helped and I had a smile back on my face by the time I was done eating. Yummy! Then HJ took the half frozen turkey from the tub downstairs, put it into a plastic bag, packed it in ice and cold water in the cooler and set it outside, in the shade, to continue thawing. The turkey in the oven did get cooked in time and nobody knew it had been slightly deformed from being hacked. It was delicious, if I do say so myself. That evening, as company left, almost everyone took turkey leftovers home. In fact we didn't have any turkey for HJ to make a sandwich for himself later that evening. Poor Hubby John. But it was all good because on Sunday morning I was up early and put the second, now defrosted, turkey in the oven. (And yes, there was a plastic bag in it.) Because I didn't stuff this bird it cooked faster and we had turkey sandwiches for a very late lunch and a later supper and as a snack for HJ really late last night. At his request, there is turkey in the freezer for Hubby John to make turkey soup. We had turkey sandwiches for lunch today and will probably have them for supper tonight too! I will be taking turkey for lunch all this week and HJ will munch on it all week as well. We should be growing feathers by the end of the week. LOL! So there you have it. The tale of two turkeys. Hubby John won't complain about a turkey shortage again....at least not for this year. And believe me when I say this....
next year I'm doing a ham.
Try this again, I cannot even believe for one second you are going to attempt to consider a ham next year. Shame shame mom, the turkey is too good to skip.
Very funny Lois! I always get a kick out of your posts. I bet though, that turkey will win out next year! A&W teen burgers? We don't have them here anymore, and those were my favorites! Still have A&W, just not the fun menus from younger days. so next time you have a teen burger, think of me ok?
Ham?! Ummm I'll cook the turkey next year! ;) All that drama was worth it because the finished product was DELICIOUS!! Thanks for a fabulous Thanksgiving, mom!
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