Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Good Morning Everyone!

Six AM comes awfully early when you have been up and down a few times during the night.  The trick is, at least for me, is to pretend I am still sleeping,  then Monster Boy, aka Ronan, will lay quietly for another half hour before he announces to the household (not that anyone else will hear him over Papa's snores) that the day has begun.  Downstairs it is snuggle time for a bit then MB is ready to watch Dinosaur Train on  the telly. The Wee Fiend, aka Kian, is usually up and joining us by seven or so.  Depending on how long Papa can convince him to stay snuggled in bed. Once TWF is up it is brekkie time.  By this time I am wide awake and manage to feed both boys without injury to myself.  Now most of us are totally awake, fed and ready to start the day. Papa starts emerging from under the covers by eight or nine.  He is definitely not a early riser.  But once he is up and at em the day officially starts. Good morning everyone!

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