Friday, April 03, 2009

A window opens for me.

In these hard economic times of closures, bankruptcy, slow downs and lay-offs I am very lucky to still have a job. Times are hard and most companies are doing whatever it takes to secure their long term survival. With the economy the way it is and with business very slow my boss is taking measures to ensure that employment is secure with the company, our benefits remain and that the company survives this slow period. In the last few weeks all of the employees have had hours cut. I am losing seven hours a week. It's not so bad! At least I still have a job and benefits. The cuts take me down to a four day week. Sheila, my office cohort, and I are the only two working in the office and we have worked it out that one week she takes a Friday and the following Monday off and the next week I take those two days off. That means one of us always has a four day weekend.....or a four day work week. Six of one, a half dozen of the other. Whatever! Either way I am loving it! Yes, money is tight but I'll learn how to budget better. And it's least I do have a paycheck, albeit it a smaller one, coming in on a regular basis.
Twenty one years ago, in the first week I started at the company, I was asked what my long term goal was. I said that I wanted to work full time and eventually go to part time hours before I retired completely from the company. I may be on the way to seeing that goal come true.
I have wanted to work less hours for some time now but felt guilty about even attempting it. The good thing about the cut in hours is that I don't need to feel guilty because there is nothing I can do about it. The decision was made for me.
I know Hubby John is a bit nervous about this new adventure as his business is feeling the downturn in the economy too. Money is definitely tight for us but I know it's going to be OK. Yes, it will be tough going but we've gone through bad times before and we came out alright. We have God and some pretty awesome guardian angels watching our backs. If anything, the whole experience will take us back to where we started out over thirty years ago with two babies, a mortgage, car payments and only one income. We will relearn how to do without and still survive. HJ and I both know that shit happens but there are always options to be had. If shit does happen then do what it is you need to do....stock up on toilet paper and get on with the job.
So, as far as my cut hours are concerned, I am thrilled!
I am seeing one of my long term goals happen.
I guess the old adage about a door closing and a window opening is true.
At least it is for me.


LiLi M. said...

Hello, thanks for your visit! It's good that you can turn this into a gain to you. Since you had a cut in time anyway you better enjoy it and you do, bravo! I hope you can use this time for doing something that you always wanted to do but never give yourself time for. As we humans tend to be full of guilt, first work, work and work and then pleasure. Since work has been cut down now, give yourself or someone you care about a little pleasure. Enjoy your (extended?) weekend!

Amy said...

You have such a super attitude. I need you to come and give me a pep talk on those days when I feel like I can not get the gray cloud to go away above my head no matter how hard I swish my raised hand at it!! LOL.
Thanks for the visit at my blog and your comments too. I would love to see that family tree mural you spoke of. It sounds so amazing!!! I wish I had a wall to do such a thing on but alas I have too much crap (I mean furniture and toys, toys, toys)to do it.
Thanks for sharing.

Meggie said...

Thanks for stopping by Meggie's Stuff and your kinds words about my new purse. Looks like you have a great attitude about your cut hours at work. Seems that you have that "when life deals you lemons, make lemondade" attitude. I like the way you think. Good luck!