I can't believe that it is March already. January and February sped by like speeding bullets. I feel like I didn't accomplished anything in those two months. So I have decided that for the month of March I will try to do one thing around the house each day. I don't mean cooking, cleaning or doing laundry. Those are every day things. I will however try to pick one job that I have been saying I am going to do/meaning to do/wanting to do and just do it. I am not setting this venture in cement but I will honestly try to accomplish a task each day. Since I just came up with this hair-brained scheme and it is 8 pm on a Sunday night I will quickly finish this posting and go do something. But what? I know! I will go and clean off the kitchen table....again and I will even try to keep it cleaned off for the whole month of March. Hubby John, if you are reading this STOP LAUGHING! I am really going to TRY to do this. So to all my blog readers, bye-bye for now. I am off to start clearing the table. BTW if any of the family is reading this and you get a call that I am in jail for husbandside please come and bail me out.
What a great plan :).
I will try to join you, but may need two months to tackle all those jobs left undone for someone else to tackle them...LOL.
Great plan, one year I cleaned a drawer or cabinet every day...that only lasted about three weeks but it was more clean drawers than a year earlier. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really do work better with time limits and lists.
Good luck with that one! The whole month!!??? I couldn't do it.
You go girl!!!
I recently relocated all my husband's accumulated "mail" (aka JUNK) to the dining room where it's out of sight instead of acting as a tablecloth for the kitchen table. It's amazing how that man will let things accumulate. Perhaps you can teach him some of your good habits? (0:
A month?! Wow that could be difficult BUT if you manage it for a month you're more likely to keep it up. What do they say: 27 days... or is it 37 days in a row to make a habit stick?
Good luck, mom!
I can so relate Lois! I am trying really hard and so far this month, I've succeded! Well it's only the 6th, but that's a record for me! Good luck and thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting. I'll be back!
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