Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I have turned out to be my mother. I never ever planned on doing that. Now, I can remember a time when I cried and repeated my mantra of that particular day," I don't want to be like her...I don't want to be like her...". Mind you, that was a very long time ago, I was very upset and angry with her and I was very young. Lots of time has passed since that day. Now, as a more mature woman, I have come to realize that my mother is my mother and that she is who she is and that she is not going to change at this time in her life. Not even for me. So I have come to accept her as she is. My mom is a good, kind hearted, party animal who is also mother, grandmother and great grandmother to sixty-six odd people (and in some cases I do mean really odd). So my Mom is loved by a lot of people, me included. I am sure that there is a special place set aside for her in heaven and I am so sure that she will ruffle a few feathers and bend a few halo's when she gets there. I hope that is not for a long time yet. She has too much life to live down here still. So it's OK if I have turned out to be some ways!
But I digress....... I have turned out to be my mother in that ...I am a pack rat. I am different than mom in that she is a pack rat of everything. I AM NOT! I am only a pack rat of craft items: stickers and embellishments, buttons and old greeting cards, paper and envelopes, spools of ribbon, coloured string and bits of twine and lace to be used as craft items. I especially love boxes and containers. I must admit to a special fondness for them and will buy them whenever I come across them. Of course, the price has to be right before I pass over my pennies....even for one of them. Almost anything and everything that can be used is saved, stashed and/or snagged by me, in my pursuit of craftiness. I try to keep my craft supplies together but sometimes they do overflow into our daily living area. Hubby John is quite patient and understanding when this happens and if it bothers him he doesn't say anything about it. I guess he knows that sooner or later, in most cases, probably later, I will clear up the overflow and delegate all of it back to the bins and boxes where it belongs. Whenever possible I like to stop by my favourite second hand shops and do a quick run through. You never know what your going to find in an impromptu search for craft supplies. Of course I aways keep an eye on Michael's and the Dollar store because they always bring in new stuff. Michael's is especially good with their sale items. If you wait long enough it will most likely go on sale for a much more reasonable price. Patience is a virtue and I can be oh so virtuous when I need to be. I also find that Home Sense has a good clearance sale area where you can find some cool stuff for crafting. Just last week I snagged 2 hand painted glass fish for twenty nine cents each. I was very happy! Anyway, give me a good pair of snips and I can remove berries, flowers and glimmer stuff from almost anything.
One thing I have collected for the past few years is old calendars. Originally I was given the calendars as Christmas presents. They are mostly Jim Daly copies. He paints awesome pictures of children and their activities. He does beautiful work. The calendar pictures are so nicely done that I hated to throw them out. The pictures are large - 13 1/2" X 12". I had no use at all for them but I just could not destroy such beautiful reproductions. It seems such a waste that they are just sitting here year after year. They are not in my way at all. I have them stashed in an old bin. You know the old saying...Out of sight out of mind? Well that was me and these. The other day while looking for a particular item I opened the bin where the old calendars had been placed. I took a few minutes to look at those beautiful pictures and I was reminded that I should do something with them. They are too nice to just leave hidden there in the dark. They are too big to mod-podge (sp?) and anyway it would be a shame to cut them up.
So here I am asking myself" What's the use?"

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